Being happy is one thing, but i don't think its healthy to be OVERly happy. is there something like that?
I mean, I know things are going well for me, and I'm really happy. But somehow my brain wants to pick out the little things that make the picture look imperfect. Nitpicking, you say. Yes, I agree, and I'm sorry for that but I can't pretend to be happy about something I'm not, but I'll try not to make a big issue out of it I guess.
If you're wondering what this is about then here it is - otherwise don't continue cos this might leave a bitter aftertaste, but I dunnow. I need to vent.
Meh, its two things. I'm trying hard but I still can't seem to get along well with people. Not that i'm not nice to people, I just don't connect. Small-talk just isn't my strong suit. Tbh i see ppl getting along well and i get a little green-eyed. And sometimes i try to pitch in and i don't get the expected reaction - i.e. awkward silence hahhaha a bit discouraging so i try other ways to reach out and *shrug* i think in a way i'm making my own personality (consoles self)
Another thing... i shan't discuss today. sigh disappointed.
(think about good things)
Happy again :D
Cheers guys!