12/30/11, 11:59 PM: What I learned this year is
#1. First impressions count
#2. Hard work pays (often times)
#3. Embrace change (i recently learned how to do it properly c:)
#4. People around you will make you a better person, so accept them.
#5. Not everything has to matter.
#6. Its okay to be awkward, but be nice.
#7. People need other people to remind them of who they are
#8. People need other people to help them change.
#9. There is more than one way to be happy.
#10. Family is great!
#11. Things change. People change; Deal with it.
#12. Life is about taking risks.
#13. Do what you know you will not regret.
#14. Sometimes plans don't fall through. Improvise.
#15. Family is good and all, but often in life friends are your first line of defense. If I have my way, I would never ever let go of my friends. Ever.
#16. Pain is temporary, pride is forever.
#17. You don't ALWAYS have to be doing something. Doing nothing counts as part of life. Chillax.
#18. People who have yet to become your friends are as important as your friends.
#19. Patience makes you more efficient.


12/29/11, 11:21 PM: if i could delete one day from my life, it prolly would be today.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh faaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.

On another note: if God's love is unconditional, why does it always feel like if you aren't devoted to a certain religion, that religion's higher being excludes you from his care. In other words, "does your God love me?" HAHAA don't look at me - my dad asked and it made me wonder.
1:43 AM: how to make friends -
hahahaaaa i've been here before i know. but i think its getting serious. my interactions with people i don't know yet is frick shoddy. so to improve i will start by thinking of actions i can consciously use to "imrpove" my interactions; try try try. if its wrong/awkward i better see some shit on my tagboard or else you, my friends will be forever responsible for my future awkward relationships HAHAHAHAHA no la. I realise that when i know people beyond a certain extent my words start sounding a bit spiteful. Then people need to be a bit more tolerant to get to know me. I guess most people don't succeed at tolerating my temperament so i need to tone it down a little? HAHAHA During Y camp right this comm member wanted to borrow my camera and the first thing i told her was "if you drop it, i'll kill you". was supposed to sound jovial but came out otherwise HAHAHAHAHA.

Anyway, here's the how-to list.

1. When i meet someone i'll greet them by their name (I tend not to greet ppl by name) and if i haven't seen them in a while i'll say, "how are you (man)?" or "eh how are you, (man)?" to make it more appropriate for casual conversation.
2. Do not be a wise-ass/asshole.
3. No handshakes. HAHAHAHA unless they initiated it.
4. *what else help me out here, and don't say "it comes naturally" because to me acting naturally results in a very unpleasant "neutral" approach which strangely doesn't have a very neutral effect*

went with q to labrador park the other day. got this. needs a subj badly. i need it...

HANDSHAKES reminds me of this time one of the staff at YMCA wanted to shake my hand right after i've been taking photos for a good half-hour and my right hand was all sweaty. The first thing i did was to inspect my sweaty hand (while the lady was standing there with a her hand outstretched) then it just began to get awkward and my reflex took over to avoid the awkwardness and i went ahead to shake her hand anyway with a sweaty freakin hand. Then i realised "oh frick i stained her hand with my sweat" but it was too late HAHAHA, i then proceeded to wipe my sweaty hand on my jeans while the lady was still standing there.

here's the photo for you quinn c:

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12/27/11, 2:58 PM: As you may have noticed
New blogskin! Right? Right? Hahaha. I hope its an upgrade from the previous skin.

I know - "your face, damien, its in the banner! Vain much?"

Then i'll say, "whatevs maaan. i was inspired for a splitsecond and i gobbled it up and spat it back out in code and pictures. Deal with it."

Besides that, anything about the aesthetic quality of this thing feel free to voice out - in fact you're obliged to criticize it and i insist that you do.

In other news, ytd i went to changi for breakfast... maybe lunch. Prolly brunch. While my mom spent 1 hour queuing for the supposedly ghost related Nasi Lemak, I took pictures of cute widdle cats wandering around.

cute widdle cat :3


12/26/11, 9:53 PM: Hello, friends, hello.

this is quinn's picture btw

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12/23/11, 2:32 AM: whad the heeeeelllll are you doing up at this time.
c: finally made a trip to the (not so abandoned) abandoned bus station tonight.

So apparently the station is merely undergoing some sort of refurbishment and the carpark is still currently in use.

going alone also restricts the thing that can be shot due to the lack of appropriate subj matter but whaddaya know. i managed somehow

who's that cool person? omg its me.
More coming soon i guess c:


12/18/11, 11:51 PM: first blogpost since A's ended? yeas.

Holidays... haha siiiiiiiiiiighhhh.

My parents didn't know this but all that was needed to help me realise how much a waste of time playing video games all day is just takes an indefinite amount of free time for me to spend on gaming. It is a fat waste of time. Not to say i don't enjoy it - i do but its just less productive than some other things i could be doing.

Feel quite sianned now :c

Maybe i confused exhaustion with this discomfort but something definitely doesn't sit right in my head atm. When did things ever sit right in my head right? hahaha. makes me think about how i'm sitting now actually in a very unusual position with my left foot under my butt in sort of a half-cross-legged position *ramble*

i always manage to amuse myself on my own.

I hear stories of my sis doing fkawesome things overseas and i feel super unaccomplished. I'm rly happy for her but after that proudness some kind of feeling of being inadequate seeps in. sucks.

Ytd and 3 days before that was some charity camp thing i went for as an unpaid photographer.

my parents ask me how it was and i say, "it was fine" because i actually haven't thought of how to describe it aptly yet. or i'm just lazy to explain la hahahah. honestly i think its quite a different experience for me. I've really never actually seen an event of the kind in action before and i'm glad i went, though after the whole thing i probably would have preferred going as a full-fledged volunteer instead.

I just thought of how i felt immediately how i felt after the camp and it was a feeling of needing more things. And i think i'll just list it down because i like lists.

1. I want to be more outgoing.
2. I want to be more patient with people.
3. I want to be more dedicated with my work (as a student or otherwise)
4. I should probably work on a more approachable "neutral" face.

I probably will have some different opinion after the fatigue is gone and i may say different things to people who ask but this will be here to remind me what i felt immediately after the thing.

something about the length of this break is causing the uneasiness i feel in my gut these days.

Having people around me helps keep spirits up though. Cheers!

OH i forgot to say that i finally got my camera! FINALLY. I'm gg to have so much fun with it. right my eyes can't stay open for long - night.