8/29/10, 8:44 AM: Hungry?
Just woke up? CRAVING for Milo? Looked into your Milo tin but realised that there's nothing left? STILL CRAVING MILO?! Have a few packets of Oreo lying around? A carton of milk that's about to go bad in the fridge? Have some bananas that you stole from your neighbours? OMG CRAVING MILO AND WISHED YOU HAD SOME KIND OF SUBSTITUTE?! Too bad no substitute for Milo here but we can make something else in 2 EASY STEPS! (+ 1 bonus step).

Step 1: (and we're halfway there!)

Open up about three packets of Oreo (or more if you like) and put them into a giant mug. (I use this for Milo and noodles sometimes.) Omnyom.

Step 2:

Pour milk into the cup and have a spoon ready. Wait about a minute if you like your Oreo soggy (one may even decide to mix it to have it resemble extra thick Milo though it would probably taste nothing like Milo) or eat it immediately if you like your Oreo semi-crunchy - which is how I like mine.


Eat banana!

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8/25/10, 9:19 PM: New York.
Have you ever kind of felt like meeting yourself one day, just to see if you'd be friends and get along well, or end up sworn enemies and always be out for each other's blood? I have actually. I took a look around NY and I realised that I see many aspects of me in other people. Frankly I find me very annoying now. I need to tweak the settings a little bit and upgrade some software.

There's this guy who has this ULTRA misplace of trust thing and thinks everyone is selfish and only do things for self-benefit.

Then there's this other person who's mega enthu about everything and gets very sulky when things don't go his way.

There's this other guy who also keeps mumbling and to himself whenever he finds something isn't done the conventional and correct way.

To me these are actually what I thought were very positive traits (of course I portrayed them negatively here hahaha) but now not so. I mean, you can't mumble and grumble about convention if it's always changing, and what you see as correct might not be so in some one else's eyes. As we begin to find out right and wrong isn't so easy to distinguish. If there's a very good reason why something should be deemed right, grumbling still ain't the way because hey, we're the new convention setters, if we start doing it the right way, and if it stands out as really the correct way, then naturally everyone would follow. Okay just reasoning with myself here I've had more illogical arguments.

And assuming that everyone is selfish and self-centered actually, is a very selfish thing to do if you think about it. You'd be more concerned with your own well-being than to really give someone a chance to express some kind of act out of generosity.

So. Upgrading time hahaa
8/18/10, 6:28 PM: is now suffering from withdrawal symptoms.
I'm blogging mobile and not using my laptop.

Why did I ever decide to start playing pc games again it's so damn difficult to quit lol (but possible).

I'd like to think that secretly deep deep deep within our subconscious mind each of us already knows where we want to be in future and we're all slowly heading there. Of course that almost bears no truth. It's calming to think about it that way anyhow.

Huzz. After two nights of sleeping early though, I will stay up late today to work on my undone econs and pw work.

OH you know yesterday while I was on the bus I saw this lady who was freaky and only had 4 toes on one foot. Omg freeaky. 4 toes...

Now I also believe that overactive dreaming is part of the withdrawal symptoms from going cold turkey on my gaming addiction. I woke from a dream last night, went back to sleep, and dreamed about something else and woke up again. Funny thing was, when I woke up there was a lot of saliva in my mouth. But none of it came out, because I was face down on my pillow. I was probably suffocating and one of the reactions to that was over active salivary glands. Or I was just like, semi-drooling, but my mouth was sealed shut from lying face down on my pillow so it all accumulated in my mouth. So I gobbled up my saliva and went to school after that.
8/15/10, 10:07 PM: Needs to pee now.
Well it's official, the teachers are going to be disappointed with my results at the end of the year. I won't because I already expect that I won't do well by the end of the year. How history loves to repeat itself huh.

Boring. Boring boring boring the same old posts everytime I come up on my blog. Just that really nothing worth mention happens these days. I'm not enjoying it. Something's weighing me down in my chest and I'm really not sure what it is. I feel so, out of order. No drive, no purpose to continue striving in my work, naduh. I think I need some teachers to scold me and make me angry and then I'll start moving huh. But that's really no way to get anyone moving. Get angry to prove someone wrong and then start proactively doing work? That makes no sense.

I also feel this amazing absence of passion right now. I don't really like to DO anything now which I admit is sad and it's most likely because I stay at home and do the same things over and over and over again every waking hour with my tin of biscuits and cup of milo sitting on my desk with the pale sickly glow of the computer on my face and all. This is not healthy at all.

With my current state of mind I don't ever think my perspective is going to change any time soon, which is not a very accurate approximation because what's there to approximate as I've only been through 17 years of experience, minus the days where I am barely conscious at all, that's like watching the trailer for Avatar: The Last Airbender and then deciding that it is a good movie (I have not watched it so I would not know).

I think in the end it's not the teachers or my parents or my relatives who will know how i'm doing through my mother without my consent who I have to prove myself to, but myself. That is I have to prove myself to myself. Funny thing is, I'm satisfied with myself more easily than anyone else is satisfied with me. Am I satisfied with that? My actions don't correspond with what I would most likely say, and you know what I would say, don't you? No you don't, so will say it, "I'm not satisfied that others aren't satisfied with me and I'll be satisfied when majority of these non-believers are not hungry anymore.

My bathroom awaits.

having difficulty continuing this post because I need to pee.
8/4/10, 8:36 PM: WTF. I don't understand how the law works in New York
agh.Wth wth wth. Maths is now my escape, puzzling but solvable. Maths is good, because it makes sense. Maths.

Seems like this year is really a year of firsts. First time I have excelled (relatively okay-ly) in terms of academics. CCA is pretty much the same though, but not really. I was deeply insulted today. Agh.

Parents told me today - "Networking". Lol.

I'm a merchant! I sell honesty, and buy credibility.