11/30/08, 7:43 PM: I know I said once a week,
but today I got this pair of awesomely dorky glasses that makes me look intelligent, yet I'd bet that no one will ever take me seriously while I'm wearing them. Don't get me wrong, I like it.

Haha! You guys will get to see me in them in school. For those who don't see me in school, you'll be lucky if any of my friends even get a PEEK of me in them in a photo at all! HAHA.
Edited freakishly heavily because my phone camera does not have a good white-balance function. And the light is really odd in my room.

Lol the unedited (as in colouring in the black. Light edits were done on my phone) version

ONE MORE TIME. This one's upside down. Oooh there's SOOO much difference! (I'm trying to burn time.)

Yay my phone can stream music via bluetooth to my PC so now I can play music through my phone into my computer plugged into my big Creative speakers! Which are on sale. Who wants to buy them! I'll post up a picture next week. They're rockin'. Come on down to my house for a test-driveee! Wow sounds dodgey!

[c=0]beLIEve Does this world work on Trust?Am i mistaken? THE (: SOCIETY. [/c] says:
u sellin ur speakers for wad
Damien says:
I'm buying new ones.
Damien says:
but that's not nice to say
Damien says:
[c=0]beLIEve Does this world work on Trust?Am i mistaken? THE (: SOCIETY. [/c] says:
[c=0]beLIEve Does this world work on Trust?Am i mistaken? THE (: SOCIETY. [/c] says:
juz give me lar
Damien says:
HAHA yah right
Damien says:
I need to pay for the new speakers right?
Damien says:
[c=0]beLIEve Does this world work on Trust?Am i mistaken? THE (: SOCIETY. [/c] says:
[c=0]beLIEve Does this world work on Trust?Am i mistaken? THE (: SOCIETY. [/c] says:
how much u selling
Damien says:
Don't know
Damien says:
80 sing?
[c=0]beLIEve Does this world work on Trust?Am i mistaken? THE (: SOCIETY. [/c] says:
Damien says:
wah that's ridiculous right?
Damien says:
[c=0]beLIEve Does this world work on Trust?Am i mistaken? THE (: SOCIETY. [/c] says:
how much u bought it for sia
Damien says:
I think 60
Damien says:
[c=0]beLIEve Does this world work on Trust?Am i mistaken? THE (: SOCIETY. [/c] says:
[c=0]beLIEve Does this world work on Trust?Am i mistaken? THE (: SOCIETY. [/c] says:
U @$!@$!@$!@$!@

Haha oh yah I shut down another one of my failed organisation dedicated blogs! Go see. I think it looks nicer than before I shut it down. It's now in a state of rest.
I'm so happy for it!


11/29/08, 9:03 AM: Damien wants order!

That Thing You Do - Wonders

HAHA nice song.

Yeah so I've been doing this thing about you know, posting less often and all. Yeah because no one really reads anyway. (shhh I'm trying to convince myself.) I'm trying to make myself procrastinate less in the form of like, blogging excessively, but in the end I just find other ways of procrastinating.

So it's not working too well huh.

Crap there's like A maths on my table. And if you notice for the past month I've only been talking about A maths? Yeah there's other crap to be done.

Oh yah and did you know, I just fell sick?! OMG it's HORRIBLE. I GET TO STAY HOME AND NOT DO HOMEWORK AND ALL. Erm, "stay home" because I'm supposed to be in school doing Victoriana and crap. I haven't finished because we do all sorts of stuff other than doing the zine in the Media Lab too. Our fault.


OMFG they killed the Singaporean hostage. Fckers.

Oh yes and I just remembered a really nice dream that I had last night. Only this part though:

There were like gazillions of tiny yellow pretty butterflies flying about in a large swarm in front of me. Then I took out a huge hose and sprayed them onto a wall!


Haha I'm making use of my last few minutes before tomorrow to blog because I promised myself that I'd only blog on Saturdays. I have a feeling that that won't work out too well though. No wait I promised myself that I wouldn't blog at home on Saturdays. That means I can blog in school on weekdays from the Media Lab where I'm supposed to be working!

Anyway, I just spammed Ellyn's Tagboard! Yay! Urgh I'm supposed to do AMATHHHHHHHH! No wait, but I'm ill! AHAH! Take that nasty pile of homework. TOMORROW WHEN I'M BETTER AND HAVE BRUSHED MY TEETH! Which I rarely ever do. I'm surprised I still have a full set of not yet decayed teeth.
11/25/08, 11:09 PM: Is currently trying to twitch non-existent pecs.
This blog will be adopting a once per week updating system! Please support me in my endeavors (and send in donations) and try not to bug me to update, Damien needs to learn discipline!

Weekly updates from now on. Cheers!
11/24/08, 9:29 PM: Photo time, much thanks to Quinn. Although...
There seems to be a couple of photos missing, I need to go and find that guy. More coming up when I get the slightly more interesting photos from him.

The giant Goddess of Mercy. It's frekkin huge.
Photocredit: Quinn.

"Nnnggghhh... Give me back the cambera lah Damien! My mom wants me to take more pictures of the giant Goddess of Mercy Statue." - Quinn.
Photocredit: Damien.

Me and Azmi acting like doushes. Actually we don't relly have to act lah, we do pretty well even when we don't try to be doushes.
Photocredit: Quinn.

Lion dancers at the Wang Fei Hong Martial Arts Hall. They were stupendously amazing.
Photocredit: Quinn.

I guess you know who that guy is.
Photocredit: Damien. No duh, Quinn.
I'm taking the credit for this one. Yeah not THAT fantastic but I didn't get to play with the camera much anyways. Quinn loh.
Photocredit: Damien.


11/23/08, 5:40 PM: It's spreading. (II)

Keane Somewhere only we know - KEANE

Okay this is getting a little bit disturbing. "Coolio" is my word! Well, kinda. My dad said it and I put it on the web in my own spelling.

Photo from 小猫王's flickr photostream!

Apparently, after checking the Urban Dictionary, coolio's not exactly my word, and it's been on the web since 2004 or earlier! That's a real let-down.

I'm quite sure no one reads a long post, but anyway, here I go!

And furthermore, I have been tagged by LinChun to do this quiz.

- People who were tagged need to blog about 10 weird habits/little-known facts about themselves and state the rules of completeing the quiz clearly.
at the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.

10 weird things/habits/little-known facts about me:
1. I pretend I'm holding a shotgun when people are not looking. And I go, "BANG, CHICKA!" really loudly when I'm found out.
2. I pretend I'm holding a pistol when people are not loooking. And make hand gestures of the gun's recoil when I'm found out.
3. I sing softly in public because I think I sing well. Due to comments made by certain members of the public, I have recently toned down to lip-syncing very emotionally.
4. I like to run upstairs very softly and imagine I'm a ninja.
5. I one day intend to start my own vlog.
6. I want to be a singer.
7. I like to irritate people by spamming nonsense in a group convo.
8. I stare at people who style their hair.
9. I feel bad when people are having fun.
10. I like playing fairly in a GundamSeed game.(that means no Seed mode Damien!)


Interesting bits; CTRL + F:

Yeah, I'm back from China! I'll update later in an edit, my blogposts look weird in double posts.
Okay now, CHINA. Aww, man, there's just so much to say! WHERE DO I START? Ehmm, no pictures today, because I was the video guy over there. I'll upload pictures in a later edit(tomorrow). Probably will kope from Quinn and Azmi.

Roight so first day. Woke up dead early. 0430, cabbed to the airport, and flew at 0830. Yeah that's 4 hours between waking up and flying. Not so interesting crud in between.

AIR PLANE! I got the window seat! Got some awesome footage of fluffy clouds!

We got to meet our buddies as soon as we arrived in the school. The lodging was amazing. Our "hostel" was a huge bungalow thing that had enough beds for MORE than 20 people!

Then we joined our buddies' timetable, which incidentally, was afternoon nappy time! So we stayed in the hostel and a number of the UPPERworld people: Adrian, Weiliang, Azmi, Farhan, Haziq, Quinn and myself, played catching in the big house. Yay. Note: We are the UPPERworld because the people down stairs are the underworld. That's all. Honestly if they're the underworld we should be the OVERworld.

Plenty of dry stuff until the Welcome party, where we enjoyed ourselves a lot in the Karaoke lounge. (OMG I WANT ONE TOO) I didn't much lah. Too many Chinese songs.

At night after the party we joined our buddies in class. 初一-十 was the class I joined, along with Sean(Shawn?) and Azmi. The class was very keen in knowing more about the Aliens who speak both English and Chinese, fluently. I'm not an Alien. I can't speak chinese fluently. Haha.

THE NEXT DAY, the first thing we noticed when we got up was the seriously ANNOYING school bell. I call it a "bell" but it was really just a collection of Midi songs. And there was a PA system wake up call, and whenever the PA system was in use, there would be this like grand instrumental music going on in the background, music that would be playing during a march.

We got up and got ready for the full day of class. Uhh, their English classes were a little bit warped. There was a lot of rote learning throughout and a little bit of mistakes in their worksheets. And sometimes I think even the teachers are not completely sure what they're saying. But their chinese classes were HIGHLY intellectual. Basically meaning that I am unsure of what they're saying. By far the only lessons I understand are the English, Biology and Physics lessons.

OH OH OH and their physics lessons were REALLY interesting and FUN! Even though the physics teacher was a complete ARSE to the students, he kinda ignored us Singaporeans during his lessons.
It was fun because we get to watch things burn. Uh, by things I mean like you know the 孔明灯? Yeah they made those mini hot air baloons, which were constructed mostly of paper and a few wires to hold a bit of burning kerosene soaked paper in place. Paper plus naked flame equals big fire! Okay not really lah, it would be better if the paper bag thing was soaked in kerosene too, but no, they don't soak kerosene on the paper bag to watch it burn. They burn the little bit of paper and watch the hot air baloon take flight, and hope to god the strong winds don't blow the flame onto the paper bag. Of course, it is inevitable for ALL baloons to not catch fire. Yes so some spectacular flights include one kong ming deng that flew up at least three 5 stories high and then burst into flames. IN MID AIR! Video, coming soon!

Yeah then it was back to lessons in class and then afternoon nappy time. This time we played catching for about 1 hour and then went to sleep for about another and it was lessons again.

After lessons, it was our turn to make those flammable bags of DOOM. AKA kong ming deng. I think I'll call it a doushebag for short. It was fun making the doushebags. I drew a timed pipe bomb on the one quinn and I made. Oh and guess who taught us how to make them?! THE ARSE PHYSICS TEACHER! Oddly he was really patient with us. According to the teacher, you write your wishes on the lantern and hope it comes true. Normally people would just light the doushebags and let them fly to the sky, but because of strong winds plus naked fire plus dry grass which added together would equal a large flaming soccer field, twice the size of the one in Victoria, they added "long string" to the equation. Which would equate to small fire that can be stepped out without burning anyone's pants off. But that would also remove, "doushebag flies all the way to the heavens to grant your wish!" from the result! So I was wondering how the hell would anyone's wish be granted unless some how the bag was sent to the heavens by some other means, and I came to this conclusion:

Which of course was rather dumb. But you know, Damien and Dumb goes hand in hand. So I drew a timed pipe bomb to aid the bag in reaching it's supposed destination and highest potential!

Unfortunately, my well wishes were in vain, my doushebag returned safely back to earth. Although a few of the other bags did burst into flames haha.

ON DAY THREE we had an excursion of sorts. It was fun. I got to wear my new shades. We went to see a GIGANTIC statue of the Goddess of Mercy which peaked the mountain. Photos of me acting like a dumbshit later on. Then we went to the Wang Fei Hong Martial Arts Hall, which is sort of a place built and a lion dance troupe set-up in memoriam of Wang Fei Hong.

Then really boring shopping. It felt like everytime you weren't looking at your bag, it would be sliced open and you'd get robbed! Maybe I was just paranoid because I had quite a few bits of valuable stuff on me

THE FOURTH DAY was the day that I got to show off my skating skills at last! It was part of the itinerary that we got to skate, but incidentally, before that part of the itinerary, it was my class' PE period, so I got to skate more. YAY! Well, I could see that many of them there were not really happy that they couldn't skate as well as I could, but I don't really care! I'll speed-skate around the rink while all the rest of you look like crippled old freaks all I want!

EAT ROLLERBLADE BREAK-RUBBERDUST! I was better than the teacher apparently. Just as the skating session was about to end, I realized that the class room windows right above the skating rink were open and that they were all watching us. I asked Azmi if he knew and then he said that they were watching since we started and I felt bad. I have to say though, watching the crippled old men rollerblading, and having the students there clap and compliment me there was a great ego boost. (good or bad, I'm not too sure.)

Then after that was the most AWKWARD experience I've had so far. The house-visit to the buddy's house for dinner. There were countless moments where I just felt like jumping out the window and running away, but yah, that would suck. Yuki and her parents were very nice to me lah. I gave them a packet of Laksa paste and Mee Rebus paste as a "Thank you" gift to them, and in return they just spammed me with all kinds of gifts that could stack up to about 60cm tall? Including 5 apples that I kinda managed to finish within an hour on the ride to the airport. Dumb Damien thought that you couldn't bring it up onto the plane. Haha. I guess I'll be healthy for 5 days then! The nice little girl even brought me around her house and showed me around where she stayed. Then while walking I learned a new chinese phrase! 路痴, which if translated to English means, road idiot, or describing a person who has zero sense of direction. AKA a Damien or a Yuki. So then we had dinner, in a restaurant. Oh right did I mention they gave me motion sickness pills as well?

After that was back to school. I got to rest in the hostel, but my buddy had to go back for lessons. IT WAS EIGHT AT NIGHT!

Oh yah and the school food was really crap lah. So I had emergency Milo and cup noodles. I spent two nights fiddling with the back ends of toothbrushes to use as chopsticks. I found chopsticks in the school canteen two nights later. HAHA.

LOL I don't have the time-table with me so I think I missed out a day! But yes, I'll blog the interesting stuffs and you'll find out more later.

We even got to BBQ within the school's compounds! Although I had a little trouble with the chicken wings, the wings that I tried to cook always ended up burnt on the outside and raw on the inside. But at least there was sausages and hotdogs. I almost typed "hotgods". I'm not exactly sure if this was before or after the home visit, but I'm certain we had it.

FRIDAY was the last day we could properly see our buddies. Because the bulk of them got to go home at the end of the week. YES, THEY DON'T GO HOME ON WEEKDAYS! There were lessons as usual in the morning, and at night there was a scheduled farewell party, again held in the Karaoke lounge. There was meant to be more lessons after the break at 12, but then we managed to persuade the teacher in charge of the trip to allow us to go shopping one more time. So,

boring shopping for 1 hour.

Then YAY! Back in school 4 pm. Just in time to watch our classmates leaving for home. Yeah, I kinda wish we could have said goodbye in a more proper fasion. We had some rest, and then at 5, we learnt chinese painting! How delightful! I didn't like it that much lah. I did it before a lonnnnggg time ago but I didn't like it. I still don't like it.

Dinner, then partay!

I wasn't feeling particularly well during the party. But I tried to have fun. The party started at 2030 and ended momentarily at 2100. My buddy told me that she was leaving already and said that she wanted me to send her off. I found that a little bit "dodgy" but I found that it wouldn't be nice to decline. So I followed her anyway. Apparently her parents had more gifts for me and she tricked me into following her so that they could give me the presesnts and give me a surprise! SURPRISE! There were a few communication related problems on my buddy's side so I hate to wait a little longer than expected. Also there were a few communication related problems on my side, which led to a bunch of flustered Victorians frantically searching for a now "MISSING" Damien. Yah but in the end they found me lah.

I told the teachers, I didn't tell my friends. Haha. Sorry.

tsk I hate story mode, it's damn hard to tell a story interestingly.

The next day, we packed our crud and prepared to leave the NHZX campus for the Airport. Breakfast, another tiny farewell presentation, then we said our last goodbyes. How nice it was for my buddy to drop by again to send me off. Took pictures, said goodbye, recieved 5 apples, said goodbye. Took more pictures, said goodbye. Boarded the bus, waved goodbye. Watched buddies cry, waved goodbye. Awwww. Oh GOD I'm becoming like QUINN(who is labeled a Paedo by me)!

TO ALL THE STUDENTS OF南海执信: 谢谢你的热情招待!

Post GuangZhou trip convo:
Damien says:
so are your jade pieces fake?
Quinnylummy says:
sort of
Damien says:
hah what sort of?
Quinnylummy says:
Quinnylummy says:
it is cheap rock...
Damien says:
Damien says:
//\ z m i :. I knocked on heaven's door says:
China. what daya expect
Quinnylummy says:
go bugis buy
Damien says:
Well, in china, expect anything.
Quinnylummy says:
i expect everything

Damien says:
or more commonly known as a, "Quinn"
Damien says:
Prone to blowing up.
Quinnylummy says:
i shall not deny or confirm any of the facts above
Damien says:
Damien says:
you have just stated them as, "FACTS"
Damien says:
thusforth confirming them as TRUE.
Quinnylummy says:
//\ z m i :. I knocked on heaven's door says:
Damien says:
you should have used, "claims" instead of facts.
Quinnylummy says:
i shall not deny or confirm any of the contents above
Damien says:
Damien says:
Damien says:
Damien says:
Quinnylummy says:
fuck ur claims
"Back to sch......Kinda =.=
o man...... 6.5 hrs sleep adae is tat enuff? no rite... for a kid like me...unlike other ppl sleeps 8 hrs Lol.
Homework Homework evrydae..... Screwed up my hist Proj Raj suxz... Ask her to f**k off.... ask stpid questions and say "so wat! big deal".... lame shit~.. stress is filling my BRAINS>....projs here projs there wish my D&T won be screwed up... 1 of my fav subs besids lit... Reading 2nd bk of Pendragon hmm... whether wat is like to be in cloral.. even though clearly described but i wan 1st hand experience... I wanna go to the fantasy world where no raj, no hw, no projs and most importantly no "bleep bleep" "heii u.... meet me at my ofish ah..1 old clock to 5 old clock Understand.... i used my binocularrs can see many thing... .. make sure i camp in the toilet Arh... " lol my chia my om hahaz.
shouldn laugh at him u noe... he was a cid 100% true

should i end with 1 sentence and contin muggin
"Watch as i work and progess to higher heights?? lol ... kinda weird hmm FaNTaSy~"

from LinChun's blog. I am hell bent on LENGTHENING MY MOST LENGTHY POST with just barely sensible stuff. From what I've seen, inexperienced bloggers like to fill their posts with "..."s
11/16/08, 12:26 AM: It's spreading.
Of course it is! I'm cool but people don't know it! HAHA. Wow what bull!
[00:25:07][acuthebadass]: loL
11/15/08, 10:11 AM: 34 hours of no sleep.
In that time we spent about 3 hours of playing Gundam Seed on our PSP and another 3 hours playing catching in the middle of the night - or early morning like 3 am? And we spent about 2 hours just waiting for food. Yup, that was what I did yesterday night. On the way back to school from east coast, we walked from the chalets with our eyes half shut, occasionally banging in to one another. Erm. Sounded a little bit weird there.

Back at school I worked on Victoriana a little bit. Azmi slept a while. A really short while, then he had to wake up and help Quinn with the Victorian. Oh right all three of us had no sleep since the night before. Then we had a meeting for the overseas exchange trip, prepped a couple of cameras for the trip starting Monday. And then Quinn and myself left for home while Azmi joined the Veloci-T people. By then it was about 5 in the evening going 6. I don't know how I survived till then.

Anyway, yes, I'm going off to China in 2 days time. Ugh I don't really want to go. Wait let me change that to, "I REALLY don't want to go." Don't ask why I signed up in the first place. I guess the only thing good about it is that we'll get to experience constant, but slightly lower then air-conditioned temperature. Oh yah then we only managed to get 2 still cameras for the trip. I have to be the one to take videos. I personally don't really enjoy taking videos that much. It takes a freak load of standing still and not fidgeting. I can't do that. I'm me! Keh then till 7 days later!
11/9/08, 10:15 PM: Yesterday's news, today!
Ohroight. Looks like I already posted for yesterday, but I didn't the previous post was for the day before but I posted at 12. So...

Yesterday was really tiring for all who participated in Victoria's open house as Shit Work warriors, except maybe UG I think, right, Bing Yu? Wth lah go home so early, when the Media Clubbers just finish (that's us) he's already at home. After the whole thing I felt like I just played 2 hours worth of ground floor catching in school and then had a soccer match lasting an hour. My legs cramped up lah.

I think our booth was particularly busy especially when cleaning up because Mr. Zabid smartly let the sec 2s do claywork in the learning studios, which are supposed to be spic and span. and the tables are not like ordinary tables, they're fancy mancy tables specially selected for the learning studios for utmost flexibility to conduct innovative lessons such as to spark interest in students! Mouthful! We spent a hell lot of time cleaning up later.

Did I mention how much I hate talking to people? Thank goodness the seniors were there to help. I'm very grateful they were there, if not I'd die talking to a bunch of *nevermind*. Screwed up a couple of times. Mr. Wen Han was being so helpful and ignoring the parents completely, I had to address the whole lot myself at the start before the seniors came. Shit so embarrassing. I talk halfway then my mind went blank. "Ah, uhm. Yeah." Was all that came out. I hate talking to people.

Oh and then the really eventful day a few days back. *flashback time* *reality fades away wavily...*

The day before the open house, a tonna meetings cluttered up in the morning, so after that Azmi, Quinn and Myself decided, heck, we should just stay back and work on the zines. I was asked to help Mr. Zabid with the open house preperations with the afternoon so it waiting in the Media Lab while doing work *cough* seemed pretty productive. He said the night before that, "I will be there in the afternoon lah, after my Friday prayers ah..." And true to his word, he turned up at 5pm in the afternoon. Azmi and Quinn were FORCED to join me in my plight(yay).

After a great load of moving things from the 6th floor down to the learning studio, Mr. Zabid gave us the laydown of what else was left to be done before promising us dinner, and then changing his mind and leaving to pick up his son and going home. I was assigned the job of printing the five A4 sized pieces of paper long, non-existant banner. Azmi and Quinn was assigned to pin up photographs and graphics on a large green display board in a artistic and aesthetic fashion. The banner goes above all the pictures and graphics.

We slogged late into the night.

I was alone in the Media lab. Twilight came, and I was "done" with the banner and brought along some files I might need for presentation in a large bulkey *now in advertiser's voice* 320GB hardisk that belongs soley to the Art Elective Programme! * end advertiser's voice* And hurried myself down to the Learning Studio, through the now dimly lit stairwells of school. Well only for one level, then I decided that no one's gonna blame me for taking the well-lit lift which is not so scarey.

Down in the Learning Studio Azmi and Quinn were already done with the board. All that was left was for me to print the banner and pin it up. Yeah easier said than done. I made some errors in the design and it's freaking tedius to edit, it spans over five A4 sized sheets of paper. I took my time with the editing on the macs in the learning studio while Quinn and Azmi were nice enough to stay and wait for me though not nice enough to help me and give constructive comments.

They sat there and talked cock a bit, and the conversation topic slowly drifted toward the paranormal and stuff, then somehow I joined the conversation saying that I have a candle on the bay of my balcony, a table without chairs also sitting in the balcony, a double bed, and one unused table in my room. Both of them were a little surprised of how much "thing" inviting things I have in my room, and I got a tiny bit more freaked out than I already was.

Like most conversations, ours had occasional pauses in it, like a mass "take-a-deep-breath" moment. One particularly long one made me notice something. There was a Di Zi playing in the background since after lunch when we were there (A di zi is a chinese flute thing. Inaccurate, please don't flame.)now, or then, which was 7 going 8 in the evening. I brought it up to the two and they thought it was weird too, but then had no explanation for it, it was a lone Di Zi playing. Quinn called up Emercius, IC for the Di Zi Tuan and asked if there was any practise this hour, he said no. As soon as he put down the phone, the Di Zi stopped playing. A moment later the lights flickered mildly, I didn't see, I was freaked out then I closed my eyes and hid in a vacant box, which doesn't make much sense unless you're me.

Azmi joined me in the not so spacious box, and the Di Zi started playing again. We all decided it was time to leave the studio and get home quick, so I didn't print the banner, and instead left it to be printed on the day itself. Our belongings and barang barang were all on the sixth floor, while rushing up, Quinn got left behind on the way to the lift. We looked back and saw a silhouette of him slowly disappearing in the darkness, and that was the last we saw of him. Lol joking.

We went up to the lab, but to our dismay, it was locked! I suddenly had superhuman strength and managed to push open both doors. We grabbed our stuff and left the building hastily. I remember my hands shaking and the keys jingling while I was trying to lock up the lab.

*reality starts to fade back in in waves...*

And that was what happened on Saturday. WARNING, READ THE LONG WORDY FAILED ESSAY BEFORE YOU READ ON HERE FOR MAXIMUM ENTERTAINMENT. Unless you like to laugh at my flaws and my trip-ups. Yeah.

On open house day we told Bing Yu about this via Skype after a DotA match and apparently he knew about the ghostly, lone Di Zi. Yeah it was just some PRC from the hostel who likes to go down to the pond to play at unearthly hours. According to Bing Yu he used to play on the stage over the pond, so when you look in the direction of the Di Zi from the canteen or anywhere but the field, all you see is a bunch of trees which is totally creepy. Yeah. Go ahead. Laugh at the guy who almost wet himself listening to a guy play his Di Zi.

Ugh, more Victoriana tomorrow.
11/8/08, 12:04 AM: Supremely eventful day. Almost more that I asked for.
Okay really more than I asked for. Enough to make me pee in my pants (in excitement?) But I will blog about tonight another night. Really was sort of a halloween treat. Was it?

Anyway, today is my school's open house. I'm hoping to get another five hours of sleep or more before I chiong the rest of the open house preparations tomorrow. I'm almost looking forward to the open house. ALMOST, but not. HAHA.

-The guy who almost! Peed in his pants.
11/6/08, 9:08 PM: Why do I get this feeling that I have to do schoolwork?
Wow, great, throughout the course of this day, the whole of tomorrow is completely cramped with meetings. Somehow everyone decided to be productive today. On the other hand it's not completely bad I'm rotting away at home anyway, and my eyeballs are being scorched right out of their sockets from spending way too much time on the computer.

Well obviously you guys aren't interested in this wordy stuff. I wouldn't be. So here, the productive bit of my holidays. 602BLOG!

I did it under 3 hours so don't expect much. It was just an excuse to play with brushes lah. I like my word links now!
11/5/08, 6:21 PM: The guy who made Bing Yu walk away his fats.
I've got this feeling that I did stupendously badly for the MT paper. Anyway, I was tempted to stay over in school today, as in after crashing the 3D barbecue, but guys from 3D who had also intended to stay over tried asking for permission of staying over from a teacher, and in the process making known of their intents which in our school is more or less outlawed, was it outlawed? Or was it against the rules from the start? Not sure, but I have never stayed in school overnight - by records - before. Those with doubts can spam my tagboard with constructive comments.

So I was being a good boy, and going home. Hmm, I wanted to attend the barbecue though. (I gained 3 kg in a month.) Must be all that chocolates. I just realized that I always have a packet or plate of sweet-things on my desktop, most of the time containing chocolate. *munch munch* Mmm anti-depressants.

And my cool shades. I think I should wear them out sometime.
11/4/08, 5:55 PM: Doesn't understand why people like taking pictures of themselves with the camera blocking their face.
Wow it sure is close to an examination that people have tried to convince me is important, but I think otherwise(which is really general, don't ask). 14 hours? Wait, minus sleeping time uh... that makes about 1, 2, 3... 4 more hours left to the examination. Well if anyone were to ask me how it feels, I'm not exactly too sure.

Well, last night I felt really sad, then this morning I felt determined, then I felt frustrated, after lunch I felt full. Which reminds me, if any of you really like Maggie brand noodles, especially the chicken flavoured one you should put a tablespoon full of garlic chili sauce into it tastes great. And then I felt a little better when my mom helped me out while verbally attacking all you internet dwellers. She called us NOLIFERS! GASP. Okay, no she just said our heads were more or less empty while we are and a lot of other details I will leave out.

I really can't believe I'm still surfing now though. I'm so going to die tomorrow. I have about 2px spacing worth of confidence in that paper. I am going to DIE.
11/3/08, 1:20 PM: I am in the *beep* *beep*
If you know then smart loh. HAHA. I'm in the Media Lab.

YAY I like this. Okay I'm going to eat in KFC and then I'm going home.

-----------------------(line break! yeap its me! azmi. hogging the keyb*oa*rd now,) letters within the stars added by damien.
Yeah only he does that, and ziyad, requested secretly by azmi. Maybe I should try out my own paragraph breaks!

*deleted section because it sucked.*

Or maybe something CASHY like: (get it? CASHY? catchy?)

Can people help me think of titles for Victoriana?
I got one for Racial Harmony day: Racial Riot! It sounds not so right but people who are smart like Aidil and myself get it.
Azmi finds it more fun to watch me write my blog than actually reading my blog later. "No it's not really. What the hell?"
Sorry azmi.

For being an arse.

Don't mind me it's my convo with him now. I wonder if you can guess what he's saying while you see what I'm saying.

wah veh bo liao
11/2/08, 10:53 PM: 读书乐,乐无穷。

Quote from the 2007 Examination Prep Guide:
“。。。我们应该珍惜目前所拥有的学习环境,别动不动就闹情绪、耍脾气认为读书是一件苦差, 而随意放弃。”
~ page 13 of 2007 Chinese Composition 'O' Level Examination Preperation God Guide

Yes the words in bold is what I've been doing. Don't know when I'm going to change though. I feel like an immature brat now.

For the non-chinese.
Bold phrase 1: Throwing tantrums.
Bold phrase 2: To feel that studying is such a drag.
Bold phrase 3: Give-up anyhowly.

Good luck for O's.
HAHA new cereal, Dead4'Os (old joke.)
11/1/08, 11:38 AM: By far every day of my everyday ends up like this. (weekday everyday)
Chinese intensive from 8.30 to 10.30 in the morning.
Brunch from 10.30 to 11.00
Work on Victoriana from 11 to 4 or 5 or 6 in the evening

With undefined breaks in the period I'm doing the magazine. *wink* *WINK*.
*winks both eyes together*
And we also do other dangerous stuff in the

*deleted section of post three seconds after being post up*

Much of the content censored to ensure the saftey of individuals involved. You just MIGHT figure out who they are and what they did, but chances are slim.