9/30/09, 9:53 PM: And I thought I'd be there too.
Holy crud, I have this mega twitch in my right hand that just won't go away. Must have been badminton in the morning though. Or coffee. Or lack of food. Mm.

I watched Saving Private Ryan on youtube till late last night (slept at 2am). Totally worth it. It was simply awesome. Abstinence from all forms of games has been going well for past few days. Oh wait I played disc pool yesterday.

"Here It Goes Again - OK GO" is not bad.

TRUTH: Lies get you out of trouble if you tell the truth frequent enough.

Would you ever run for a bus that you might miss?
9/26/09, 7:04 PM: Do it, Win it. GIVE IT TO ME!
The answer's "Orbital Drop Shock Trooper" by the way. If you win you must give it to me. Because I want it. And all I need is your NRIC.
9/24/09, 7:03 PM: I believe in Karma. (Karma: 0)
First of all, I'm going to be totally honest and say that this post is probably going to be mostly gloating, so if you really want to continue to be my friend I suggest you close this page now. Because I remember the last time I said something like that, most of the people who heard my incessant gloating disappeared from my life completely (not that I'm complaining).

I FREAKIN' GOT 11 POINTS MAN! THAT'S LIKE A 10 POINT IMPROVEMENT FROM MY PREVIOUS L1BEST5! I mean for someone who's gotten like 20+++ for wayyyy too long, getting 11 points is an achievement right?! YEAH. but no thanks to physics and chinese and geography...(Karma: -1000000000)

I would also like to congratulate all who did desirably well for their Prelims (Karma:-999999999)

To all who made significant improvement, LET'S KEEP ON PLOWING THROUGH THOSE PRACTICE PAPERS! (Karma: -999999998)

The rest, who didn't cover much ground, or are dissatisfied with their grades, let's all work harder! (Karma:-999999997)

Anyways, today I kinda thought I saw a little "teacher satisfaction" form a person I thought would never have any of that kind of feeling for my work, even though it lasted for maybe a split second. I managed to get like 39/70 for my chinese zuo wen, which is really a achievement for me. That sentence sounded very pathetic.
9/19/09, 11:29 PM: 3 years: Transferrence
9/14/09, 9:35 PM: Feels like a Mammoth/Popo
Today in my dorm room the doorbell rang. Sitting outside the door was a box labeled "A present from your friends in room 201". I opened it and a guy popped out, gave me a high five and ran off down the hallway. MLIA. ~ mylifeisaverage.com
9/8/09, 8:59 PM: Vague post #1: Do whatever you like!
Seriously man some people really get on my nerves. Jeez.

AAAaany way. Roosterteeth somehow manages to release webisodes of RVB regularly now. Tuesday without fail for the past 12 chapters. Yeah new one came out today. GO WATCH! Yeah totally advertising for them hahaha.

I'm most confident about bio so far. I mean, I'm ONLY confident about bio so far. Yeah Prelim 2 blew up in my face as soon as I took my art paper. Geog was crap and so was SS. Emath paper one was bullsh. I might as well as have squat on top of my chem paper 2 and poop all over it. In short, my mood now is down down down down just above hell but not low enough to have space to breathe or anything or something. I'm not even sure what I'm typing now.


OH GODDDDDDDDD. I WANT AN XBOX360. Why didn't halo three come out on Xbox. I mean there's like ODST and Reach coming out for halo.
WTF. HAHAHAHA. I'm doomed. This has to be the first time I didn't study at least three days before an exam(yeah right). Wlao there was no kind of fuss in school or anything loh. HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW!


Because the fuss has just escalated to a point where it seems normal for everyone to be hunched over their SS textbooks scribbling away on a piece of foolscap that looks as if it may burst into flames and melt the plastic desk right through at the intensity at which the dude is writing. Yeah okay I'm going to (try to) cram now.