3/18/12, 3:37 PM: When times are good, be happy - and soak it aaaall up.
Good times really aren't forever. I mean it sounds really common sensical but I think sometimes we get too caught up worrying when its going to end and stop enjoying it at all.

I'm going to remember all of this and hold it close to my chest so that in tough times I'll slip it out to have a look at it. Warm fuzzy feeling c:

life doesn't last long. good times don't last that long either. enjoy it :D


3/14/12, 9:15 AM: Lets REALLY talk about fieldcamp c:
with these guys

If there was one negative word to describe fieldcamp, it would be that it was extremely extremely "INCONVENIENT". So many restrictions imposed while staying outfield... sigh, kinda glad its over.

BUT on the other hand, there were so many experiences I doubt I'd ever have again.

from my dear sis c;

from my dad who had to rush off to Korea for a business trip but managed to write a nice long essay before he left :)

mom and younger sis :D

:D these letters were passed to us during a low point in fieldcamp. I can say it changed me a bit. Cliche? You tell me.

Life's good. And I know it. I'm ready for more.


3/13/12, 6:04 PM: Lets talk about: Field Camp
but first...


3/4/12, 11:28 AM: freakin' field camp. lady luck don't leave my side c;

I am very very lucky. Or blessed. (influenced by section mates?) xD. I am thinking about faith nowadays.

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3/3/12, 8:06 AM: I performed well beyond my own expectations and i'm happy! c:
not bad... 3As for my H2s - that is A for PCM c: super super super happy. I feel now like i have some stability in my future and i'm super thankful for all my science teachers. i really really need to thank them properly some day. teacher's day maybe. or some time earlier if i have the time. i'll make cards. using some photos!! that's a good idea. should get to it soon.

need to figure out what to take first. hmm...