Today is the first time in many many months that I went out myself to take photos. I actually feel much better doing it myself, since there's no one to criticise me, and no one to guide. So I can do things on my own and in my own time. No one breathing down my neck, talking to me. And most important of all no one to pass comments that aren't the least bit constructive.
Felt great to be at the Botanic Gardens in the evening. Except many people who went there were foreign construction workers and Philipino/Indonesian maids and that kinda disturbed me.
Yeah and this morning when I woke up I suddenly was greeted by a horrifying thought: I wanted to be a teacher! OMG then I realised how crazy I was and dismissed the thought, because there's no way I'm going to loop through what I spent first 18 years of my youth doing again and again and again for the next 82 years of my life (yes I'll live to a hundred you biatches who don't like me. I'll come by your house and knock on your door every year for the rest of your life on your birthday just to remind you how unfortunate you are! AND YES I WILL LIVE LONGER THAN YOU)
Anyway, in New York things are finally warming up a little with the strangers who pass me by everyday. I'm starting to think maybe I'm just shy, and unwilling to open up to new people. Problem is, once i get comfortable, grades just go down the freakin' drain. Saw that in VS hahahahha. Time to make some edits.
OMG photoshop stop hanging on me. I want to sleep.
Almost forgot! My family just got a cat which we named (DRUMROLLLLLLLLLLLLLL): TOOTHLESS(stolen from the movie "How to Train Your Dragon")
Yup it's a cute black kitten with a cute white muzzle and cute tiny white paws. So overall, I'd say it's a pretty cute cat. And it's about to make it's debut as an INTERNET LOLCAT STARTINGGGGGG.........NOW!