That there is no sin in being conscious of how you want to appear. I.e. hair styling, shoe shopping, belt buying. In fact, after all that time and money spent in building an image for yourself, there is , after all, a pragmatic reason behind all that. I am a judgmental person and I often decide what a person is like just by looking at the way they behave and the way they dress - so much for "don't judge a book by it's cover" huh. But there's a reason for the book's cover! It makes it easier to judge a person, without going through the time consuming process of data mining by interacting with the person over a long period.
Of course you might discover some skeletons in his cupboard, but hey, the first impression streamlines the process.
In fact, by pretending that I HAD no style is a form of self-consciousness. Since I had to always be careful that I was not appearing self-conscious to anyone at any moment in time. So all people who think they are not self-conscious are in fact the most self-conscious people in the world! OMG. PARADOGS.
Now that I logically vaporised my inhibitions, its about time I dressed a little better don't you think? HAHA. That doesn't mean that I'm going to just walk right into maht culture, no, I'm going to create a NEW CULTURE HAHAHAAAAA. Yeah big dreams, devolved right brain (part of brain involved in creativity).
So. People are self-conscious so that they can explain to other people what they do and what they expect you to think of them through their actions. Problem is, I'm not sure what I want to be.
You know when someone says that something is butt ugly, or if he says that his test scores are terrible, there's obviously something that he's taking reference to in his head. How then would anyone reach a conclusion on how well or how badly he did, or how ugly or how DROP DEAD FREAKIN' GORGEOUS some one is. So, there's a meter. And in order to judge himself or others on his/their merits or faults.
There're different ways of using the meter. To make things easier to understand, lets judge BEAUTY. So, for example one may use the meter this way. I can place the most gorgeous thing on earth at the top of the meter (that would be, of course, ME) and judge from there down on what's pretty and what's not. OR conversely. I can but the worst looking thing(s) on earth at the bottom of the scale and work my way up. Looking at how ugly the girls are in my school, if I used this scale the lowest point of my meter would reach the earth's core.