Hahaha yeah first of all as I glance through several reviews made by very American gamers/game developers I realise that they all have this bias towards the Microsoft console, XBOX360 while Japanese gamers reflect the similar preference for Japanese tech giant, SONY and it's PS3 game console. So it's a little difficult to look under all the patriotism and shit to see which game console really is a better choice.
PS3 and XBOX360 honestly speaking now are more or less neck in neck in game graphics, well at least as far as still images are concerned. XBOX360 has better lighting than PS3, while PS3 has better textures than XBOX360. Many times, PS3 game graphics appear washed out and low contrast in comparison to the XBOX360's. Textures on the other hand appear unrealistic in the XBOX360, while the PS3 offers richer textures and more intricate details on 3D models.
INTERESTINGLY! (Creds Azmi) PS3 now uses Bluray. You know what that means? Bluray + Plasma HDTV = AWESOME + OWN XBOX360! Bluray discs hold up to 54 gigabytes of information, as opposed to inferior DVD's that hold up to 9 gigabytes only. Extra space means that there's more room for more data to code for better 3D models and animation. So the only limit is the processing power of the console.
Yeah when you buy something, you always want to know how long it can last you. So, first of all, the XBOX360. According to American gamers/game developers, XBOX360 generally has a larger selection of games and thus is a better choice. This is true in that perhaps not many games originated from PS3 do not spark much interest in the western gaming community, but game developers aim to expand their market, so they need to make their games compatible with other gaming consoles. Several games like Assassin's Creed 2 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 have been made available on both XBOX360 and PS3 consoles. So game choice shouldn't really be much of a problem. Besides, popular games always manage to reach other consoles. I hear Halo is going to appear on PS3 next year. L4D2 too.
A major plus on PS3's side is that it has FREE online play! XBOX360 - 50 bucks a year subscription. That's just bullshit if you ask me. But what's a gaming console if you have no one to play with? Exactly. It's like a lolipop, you only use it once. Was going to use a cruder comparison, but I'll leave the imagination up to you! HAHA YES I DID IT WITHOUT WRITING ANYTHING! HAHAHAHAAHAHA.
HOWEVER. As good as the PS3 sounds now, the downside is that to get all the STUPENDOUS graphics out of the PS3, everything's gotta be original because of the bluray. That means I'll have invest in games 60 dollars or more a piece (the good games), while XBOX360 users may want to modd their console to be compatible with pirated games. It all goes down to how much you're willing to spend to get awesome graphics.
Suddenly, 50 dollars a year for internet gameplay for only slightly less amazing graphics sounds better than blowing all you cash on bluray games. Also I'm certain that a modded XBOX360 is completely able online gameplay (I have a friend who has a modded XBOX360 console playing live), but I'm not entirely sure if a modded PS3 can do the same, let alone if it can be modded at all.
So in terms of sustainability, I think XBOX360 wins, if you want to settle for less graphics, but maximize and stretch zeh moneh in deh pocket.
If you think of it that way, buying either console doesn't seem like a good idea, since it's already been over 4 years since the release of XBOX360 and 3 years for PS3. Which in terms of tech advancements in GAMING FRICKING TECHNOLOGY COMPLETELY ANCIENT. I also read an article online, saying that Microsoft's new gaming console is only going to be released when the use of HDTVs become more widespread. Which I assume is actually pretty soon.
In this respect, it's really not a good idea to invest in any gaming console now and just watch for now. With 900 dollars safely in my pockets, I should be ready to pounce on any new console that comes out.
Weeeeeeellll. I have so much to say, yet I'd rather keep it to myself, because it's pretty much all bitchin' and not much smart stuff going on. No, no DSLR.
A new desktop sounds like a good idea for me right about now, but I'm also pretty sure that the parents won't be so happy about it. I just got this bluddy laptop fixed a while ago and now I want a new desktop? Well they SAID I could do anything with my hard earned cash. And it's not as if I'm going out to buy myself a hooker or anything. (OR AM I?!) Yeah not so much. If they're not going to let my inner paikia take over me, at least let me satisfy my geeky cravings. Yeah but honestly, this PC sucks balls. I expected for a moment the lap top to just blow up in my face or electrocute me. But it was a terrible decision to buy this hunk'o'junk. Yeah yeah the monitor can spin 180 degrees. SO WHAT?! Can it run Civilisation 4 properly? NOOOO! Can it run Black and White 2 without frying the motherboard? NO! Can it run WC3 in 800X600 without lagging?